Our Cloud Services respond to today’s business and IT challenges. We have the skills to accelerate the company’s transformation to reduce costs and mitigate business risks.

Infrastructure security management services help you optimize your activities in technological environments. We offer technical expertise, consistent, flexible services and access to the latest technology from top vendors.

Through a secure communication infrastructure tailored to your company’s needs, you benefit from increased performance and cost savings.

Effective collaboration and organization-level communication requires simple, easy-to-use solutions to ensure their adoption as quickly as possible and a pleasant user experience.
Happy clients
Implemented Projects
Technological Partners
Certified Engineers
IT Solutions
Dendrio implements integrated IT solutions, focusing on secure on-premise / cloud infrastructures. We discuss hardware, software and services for designing and deploying complex architectures for networking (Cisco, Checkpoint) and datacenter (DellEMC, HP, Cisco, VMWare, Microsoft).
We have significant expertise in design, migration, operation and support of cloud-based infrastructures. Dendrio is the largest provider of solutions and services for the implementation, optimization and operation of hybrid or full-cloud (public / private) – AWS and / or Microsoft Azure.
We have earned approximately 20 hours of work per month, while it has been allocated to other higher value projects. I think IT should not be blocked in routine activities but should be concerned about increasing user efficiency and productivity.
I have had a good partner in Dendrio for running this project because Dendrio’s Team has been constantly trying to understand our internal processes and to provide us with a customized solution. The quality of the service was high, which for us was a great deal.
Success I think can sometimes be about what inspires others to do more than what you do. And Cristian did more than that in the Business Zone event: he chose to tell his story “differently” and managed to capture our attention with an energetic approach, a coherent perspective. I think every “David” present at the event has better understood the advantages he has over his own “Goliath” in the market. Congratulations!