McAfee Total Protection for Data Loss Prevention

The McAfee Total Protection for Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solution lets you see how your data is used and how or where it is leaking.

The solution identifies and classifies the important data specific to your organization. You can prioritize situations by discriminating between critical information and data that is extremely sensitive to less important data.

With McAfee Total Protection for DLP, you simplify data deployment and management. The solution uses McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator to streamline deployment, simplified management, updates and reports.


McAfee capture technology lets you see how your data is used and how it leaks.


A stronger data classification identifies and classifies important data for your organization, considering specific needs.


Prioritize the fix of critical compliance information and highly sensitive data at the expense of less important ones.


The solution is available through physical or virtual devices with low maintenance. Uses McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator for effective deployment, management, updates, and reports.

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